Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What if I forgot my icon set?

If you forget your icon set you will not be able to login to your account. Your icon set is hashed and we don’t even have the ability to know what your icon set is. Source: https://www.authicon.com/faq!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

What security features can I add to my service?

You can setup different features of your service that users will be able to use:

•  You can enable or disable the validation of order of icons.
•  You can set the limit allowed for attempts to timeout. Once the limit is set, there will be a timeout period for the user.
•   You can set the allowed timeouts to block list.
•   You can set the duration of timeout.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

How many icons can I choose? Is there a limit?

Depending on your settings, you can choose to set a limit to the number of icons you want to use, the amount of icons to validate and the order of icons. More actions can be done on the settings page. Source: https://www.authicon.com/faq!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Can I customize my icon board?

Yes, you can customize your icon board according to your preference. You can make changes on your icon board on the settings page such as the color, size, radius and more. Source: https://www.authicon.com/faq!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Can I upgrade my chosen package?

We offer a free edition for a lifetime but with limited capabilities. To enjoy the full features of Authicon, we recommend that you avail the paid subscription according to your needs. You can choose to pay per successful authentication, pay per user on a monthly subscription or pay per website on a fixed price. You can upgrade your chosen package anytime by contacting us. Source: https://www.authicon.com/faq!

Monday, February 8, 2016

How can I pay for my packages?

Choose your preferred package from our website and you will be directed to the payment form. Enter the necessary information and you’re good to go! Authicon accepts payment via all major credit cards (Visa, American Express, Discover, and Mastercard) and PayPal. Source: https://www.authicon.com/faq!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How does Authicon guard against keylogger attacks?

Since Authicon is built on 2-way authentication security, key logging (for capturing password) does not succeed in stealing identities. It should be noted that Authicon uses an icon board where you have to click on the icons and not type anything. Clicking the icons on the icon board does not show any signs that an icon has been clicked. If an icon set entered is wrong, a notification will appear. Only successful input of icon set will allow the user to access the account. Visit https://www.authicon.com!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

How does Authicon guard against Brute Force Attack?

A Brute Force attack on Authicon is not feasible since there is a set limit of entering the icons. Once the user reached the set limit, there will be an alert or notification. If the user still tries to enter the wrong set of icons, there will be a timeout period. https://www.authicon.com  

Monday, February 1, 2016

How does Authicon help reduce fraud?

Once the user successfully logs in to the website using the username and password, the Authicon icon board will be displayed to enter the preselected icons only user know. Once the user entered the icons, Authicon system will verify the set of icons. If it is recognized as valid, only then that the user can open his account. If the set of icons entered is not recognized by the system, an error message will display in the icon board prompting the user to enter the correct set of icons. This system protects the user from unauthorized login. More at www.Authicon.com